Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Wardrobe refashion: seam ripper edition

I have really been trying to buy less stuff, it's not really working but I am trying. I have also started a bit of wardrobe refashion to spruce up my closet. I have a bad habit of buying dresses on clearance, usually at target. Sometimes when they are a great deal I buy all the colors of one dress.  Enter this pair of floral dresses I am in love with.
Super cute right? Well as you can see on the gray dress I have already altered it into a skirt. As cute as the dress is on my carpet, I have a few more curves and the top of this dress always ended up boxy and unflattering. I have been lusting after all the cute skirts on Pinterest and with only a seam ripper I have converted these dresses into cute ultra-wearable skirts. These were the dresses I would try on and then take off to put on something different. Now the skirt can be a bit longer (the dress was pretty short) and I am already picturing pairing this with my go-to hoodie. Mmmmhmmm.
My roommate suggested that I now also have a crop top. Haha. NO. But maybe I can come up with some way to use the fabric. 
Skirts! Love. 

I worked on this project while watching 'heroes of cosplay' on syfy. Anyone watch it? I'm kind of hooked. 

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