Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Thinking of a 365

Been thinking a lot lately about a 365 project. Basically doing something every day for a whole year. As the new year draws closer I am craving meaning and direction and I think perhaps this kind of project could help me with that. I think of myself as a creative person but I know that I lack direction and discipline. One week it is jewelry the next it is dolls the next quilting. I am all over the place and I always have been in most areas of my life. I changed my major about 4 times before I just wrote my own. I have extremely eclectic taste in music, movies, food, fashion, and often get on 'kicks' that are intense but short lived and inevitably fizzle out until the next thing comes along.

I thought my life direction would present itself to me in a nice little package in college. Didn't happen. For the past few years since I have been floundering in a world of low wage jobs as my friends start careers, get married, and settle down. Of course I do have a pretty good idea of things I do not want to do but that isn't the most helpful. I know that I do want to do something creative. I want to work with my hands and make.

I do not know what it will be yet but I think a 365 project will help me out of my rut. From reading about/following several others it seems like a really great exersise to do. It might not fix all my problems or answer all my questions but perhaps it will give me the structure I need to get to the next step. Maybe it will be a 365 days, maybe 52 weeks, maybe it will be a year of different monthly themed projects. Whatever it is I am going to figure it out soon because what better time to start than the new year.

365/365 !!!!!!

Have any of you attempted a 365? What were your projects? How are they going/ how did they go? I would love to hear about more!

1 comment:

  1. I was just thinking the same thing. I was toying with trying to do the 365 photo project now that I have both an iphone and a decent DSLR camera. My only worry is that I will end up taking pictures just because I need to take a picture for the day and will end up with a whole bunch of 11:15 pm photos of my cat or something. I think if I can force my self into a slightly more narrow theme it may be more useful (all nature shots or odd perspectives or something similar)
