Thursday, April 8, 2010

Finally had the guts to get my new tattoo.

So three weeks ago I finally had the guts to get my new tattoo. This is the tattoo I have been waiting for my whole life and I feel like it has brought me full circle. But let me back up a bit...

I started playing violin in 5th grade. They literally sat us down in a room, put a list of instruments in front of us and told us to choose. I picked the violin for one simple reason- Sherlock Holmes played the violin- and since he was my favorite literary character at the time I thought that was good enough choice as any.

In middle school my dad introduced me to Apocalyptica. They were cello players who played metal music. I fell in love. They have been my favorite band ever since. I own all their Cd's (the first two stolen from my dad's collection) and I have seen them live TWICE!!! The first time I saw them live I was a sophomore in college and it was one of the best nights of my life.

Cover art from Apocalyptica's Reflections

In high school I watched the Red Violin. Although I wouldn't say it is one of the best films ever made I really really really liked it. The music was gorgeous and I loved the main idea of the film. If you haven't seen it I would highly recommend it.

My senior year in high school I painted a canvas of just the woman from The Red Violin poster.

I knew someday I would get the 'f holes' tattooed on my back but I just wasn't sure when. For my first tattoo I went with something a little less daunting. Then for a long time I played the game "I will get the tattoo when I lose 10 lbs". Stupid stuff like that. Finally I said screw it! I am getting this tattoo!

I made an appointment with Matt from Twilight Tattoo almost a month in advance (he was going to be out of town then I was etc etc). I had met Matt once or twice when I was in high school. He was friends with my dad and played upright base. Then just a few months ago I was admiring the tattoos of the new girl at work and she said she had got them done by Matt. I was like "No way! I think I know who that is!". She gave me his card and I felt like it was all meant to be. My really good friend Krista came with for moral support as did my little sister.

I have finally gotten the tattoo I have always wanted. Now I can start on my list of other tattoos that I want. Hmm. So many decisions!

Little treat... check out this video for Apocalyptica's 'I Don't Care' If you skip to 1:56ish it gets really good. Be jealous of the three girls who get to be "played". Omg hot. That is all I have to say!

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