Wednesday, August 29, 2012

T-Shirt Party

Now that Roller Derby has started back up I am going to mixers where most often you get a 'team t-shirt' and you have a little bit of time between arriving and warm ups to transform it to something wearable. While a plain t-shirt in itself is not completely evil derby girls tend to have their own sense of style and 'boutfits' are part of the game. Plus you usually can't have your sleeves down as you put your number on your arms. What results is a flurry of scissors and scraps and usually some pretty cute shirts. It is a mini t-shirt party every time.

The last mixer I went to my locker room had at least 3 girls who brought scissors. One also brought the t-shirt bible 'Generation T' for ideas. Another girl brought her rotary cutter and a mat- that is hardcore.

This has got me to thinking a lot about cute things to do with t-shirts. The quicker and less sewing the better but I did find this dress online and it has me drooling.

It is only $805... Omg. I want it but I don't want to pay that. If I attempt a version of it DIY style I will let you know how it goes!

Crafting and Roller Derby. Two of my favorite things. 

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