Friday, March 5, 2010

Off to Ireland...

Recession? What recession? I say 'screw you recession!' I was already wallowing in debt from school. I will not let the fact that I have no money stand between me and LIVING. I have always been the kind of person that says 'Oh I will do that someday. I will go there someday.' Well someday has come. This whole year I am going to sprint head first towards life instead of somehow drifting along with it waiting for special things to happen to me.

My friend and I will be leaving tomorrow for Chicago and then Monday to Ireland!!! We are going to go B&B hopping all around Ireland.

I will:

-Look for a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow
-Drink more Guinness than I thought was humanly possible
-Watch the rugby Six Nations match between Ireland and Wales in a pub
-talk with lots of locals
-buy lots of tacky souvenirs for friends (and myself)
-take lots of pictures with PEOPLE IN THEM (I am notoriously bad at this)
-go with the flow

I will not:

-Make bad choices...
-freak out at my friend while trying to navigate the narrow roads
-worry about things I can not change

these are my hopes for this trip... hopefully everything will go semi-according to plan...

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